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Adventures in Missions

Adventures in Missions

Can you hear me now?

I was recently given the gift of a new phone. This was particularly special because I haven’t had a new phone since before the Race. Upon arrival of the new device I was told to take it immediately to the…

A Sweet Reminder

Today I received a package in the mail. “What’s in the box?” my boss asked.   “Laundry detergent.” I replied.   “Oh.” He said with a confused look on his face.   To him the gift was just some soap…

Forgiven, Seen, Loved, KNOWN

Saturday night I had the opportunity to attend a retreat session for a Hispanic youth group just outside of Nashville, Tennessee. One of our CGA graduates, Sandra Santiago was speaking along with current apprentice Morgan Morales. The evening began with…

A Beautiful Partnership

Support raising.  Most who hear these words often run in the other direction.  Support raising has gotten a bad rap.  It’s often viewed negatively as a burden, drudgery, and a form of “Christian welfare”.  Support raising is far more than…

Time, Talent, and Treasure

Stephen’s role at Casa Shalom is to coach the boys in soccer and other athletic training. Despite the language barrier, Stephen works hard to use the sports time to teach valuable skills like teamwork, fairness, sportsmanship, and following directions. Though…

Safe in His Arms

Last week I had the opportunity to visit apprentices serving in ministry at CGA Guatemala. Our first stop was an orphanage named Casa Shalom. While there, I witnessed first hand Joe’s boundless energy and Shannon’s unconditional love for these adorable children.…