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Blue spoons, swim fins, and my biggest regret from the Race

Themes I have seen over and over and over again in my life are God’s goodness and His provision. The Lord continually provides and loves to give good gifts to His daughter, sometimes through the simplest of ways. 

The protein smoothie I made for breakfast this morning was unusually thick. In my rush out the door, I forgot to pack something to drink it with. I frantically searched my car for anything I could find. Tucked deep in the bottom of the glove compartment, He showed up as a blue plastic milkshake spoon that had been placed there many moons ago. 
During my workout this morning, He showed up as a free set of swim fins given to me by my new friend Kim. She happened to have an extra pair and thought I might like to use them.
My absolute favorite way He showered me with love this morning was a single picture sent via text from a dear friend and squad-mate currently serving in Northeast India.
You see, about two years ago my World Race team was assigned to ministry in a small province of Northeast India called Manipur. Upon arrival we watched a documentary, Beyond the Next Mountain, which told of a white Welsh missionary who had come to the region over 100 years ago to share the Gospel with the native people. 
While traveling through the area, the Welshman met a chief of a tribe of headhunters. The chief then shared the Good News with his son Rochunga (Ro for short) who traveled through the jungles, over the mountains to receive schooling. For the next 20 or so years, he studied, going as far as Scotland to learn Greek and Hebrew. He eventually translated the entire Bible into the native Hmar language! 
After which, the Gospel spread like wildfire!!!
As the credits rolled, I couldn’t believe that 100 years later, I got to be a tiny part of this amazing story! Our team was chosen to love on these precious people.
During our stay, the local church held an anniversary celebration. After the ceremony, I passed a table with leather bound Hmar Bibles for sale. How badly I wanted to purchase one, but with the little room in our packs and multiple countries left to travel to on the Race, I thought twice about my purchase.
I’ve never been a souvenir person and generally have the opposite of buyers remorse. (I don’t buy something, and then I wish I had. When I finally realized I really wanted the item, it was too late.) 
That’s exactly what happened. I could have kicked myself! It was truly my biggest regret from the Race.
Fast forward to this morning’s text. My sweet friend Vivian found and bought me a leather bound Hmar Bible!!! What a gift!
God is so good, He loves to give good gifts. 
Talking on the phone to Dr. Rochunga Pudiate, the man who translated the Bible into the native Hmar language!