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Living on Mission

Last week I had the opportunity to teach Gap L about my experience living with a missional mindset. 

I’ve been serving as a full-time missionary for 4 years but it’s not because I’m raising support and work for a non-profit. It’s because I had a perspective shift, I made a conscious CHOICE.

A choice to say Yes to the life that God has for me, not one I planned on my own. And let me tell you, it’s been 4 years of YES filled with excitement, fear, and an overwhelming amount of peace.

Here’s a diagram I found that captures this concept perfectly!

Image Source:


I challenged Gap L to live a life of YES. To live a life that models Christ. One that is others focused, interruptible and in tune with Holy Spirit’s leading.

And guess what?!? That’s exactly what team Now did on the train from Bucharest to Brasov.

Smack dab in the middle of another long travel day the ladies on my team invited an older gentleman to sit with them. They spent the next 45 mins engaging with the 72 year old. Intelligent questions were asked, story after story was shared, even a few jokes were sprinkled in between. 

(The moment was so tender, I snuck a quick pic before anyone could notice.)

Before the man’s train stop, the ladies asked if they could pray with him. He obliged and as they prayed tears welled up in my eyes. 

These ladies get it. At 18 and 19, they get that it’s not about the World Race, it’s not about going on a “missions trip” to some far off place, it’s a relationship with the Father and pointing everything they say and do back to Him.

It’s about taking the time to make an elderly man on a train feel seen and known. 

As goodbyes were shared, emails exchanged, our new friend stood on the platform waving us on our way. (Cue the waterworks!)


My prayer for these precious ladies and the rest of Gap L is that they will continue to seek out special moments like this one, that they will continue Living on Mission