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Better to Have Loved and Lost

Over a delicious Pollo Campero Happy Box meal, my buddy Gabe and I discussed the difficulties of living in such a transient community. Gabe as a long term missionary has seen plenty of people come and go. In my position, new CGA Apprentices have arrived every 4 months for the past year and a half here at Adventures. This transient nature has made it difficult for me to invest in deep long lasting friendships.

Gabe wrestled with this for a time sharing how he feels things deeply and in turn hurts deeply when some of his closest people have left Guatemala. A recent perspective shift has left Gabe not wanting to love only half way.

“There are so many amazing people who have come through this base Amie Beth! I’m better for knowing them, even if for a short period of time.

We don’t know how much time we have on this earth. I’ve decided to love them as hard as I can, for as long as I can.

It doesn’t make the hurt any less painful, but I’m thankful to have had the experience and the opportunity to know and love them.”

Gabe’s attitude made me think. Maybe the saying is true. Maybe it really IS better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all.

So that’s what I’m going to do.

If you come across my path, know that I’m going to love you as long as I can. I’m all in! And I hope you will be too.